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What's the difference? (Free verse) by horus8
What's the difference between eating your children and fucking your children? What's the difference between fifteen years, seven years, or a million seconds? What's the difference between making your kids eat off of the floor or eat honey out of your gifted vagina. What's the difference between love and being impaled by a rabid unicorn? Or just the need to always have it. What's the difference between a mother and a deformed earthbound pigeon? What's the difference between a lie, and being deceptively tongue tied. What's the difference between a father and 246 trips to visit him in prison. What's the difference between jealousy and being inclined to over eat it? What's the difference? Who really cares? What does it matter? Just better prepare. The difference is in the mask That you now get to wear. And the bodies we've shared? Dust, water, cells, flame, space I would rather lose the race and repeat all I've ever done. Than to live with your waste and permanently scar my son. After all these years. You stayed the same? Should have fixed that first instead of your nose, tits, and name. Because, I've got one last thing. My sweetest little secret yet. And it's all in who I've become. And that's a love you'll never get. And it's not what we did, and it's not in the past. It has nothing to do with you Or how long you or I will last. I know you think this is all a game. And that's just one of many things wrong that you do. And now you think I love you even more? What the fuck did all that coke do to you? I've seen some fried out drug whores But you have the nastiest invisible sores. and we're not talking about a 'few'. How a sociopath like yourself has made it this far? Is what interests me more than your feathers and tar. Look closely at the facts, and you will find. I never once looked you up, nor did I need too. After all, we both knew, I'd go much farther without you than within you, and yes, the reason why I never called? Is because my spirit, unlike you, doesn't need to wallow in the kind of shit you're into. Lilith, died miserably missing the reality, of life on this planet, and in the end all of the blood she could swab up with bread in her cave by the Red Sea didn't help her taste anything more than its salty dependency. Rumor has it, unable to move, or find food in the end. She had to eat herself drained. And that Bitch still complained.

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Anonymous207.119.185.144August 29, 2007 5:07 PM PDT
xxx68.164.242.1510May 23, 2005 7:18 AM PDT
cuddlytiger1764.80.246.898May 28, 2004 9:38 PM PDT
Anonymous205.188.209.1410December 16, 2003 12:34 PM PST
Anonymous68.5.128.1510December 15, 2003 4:19 PM PST
Anonymous147.226.164.1410December 15, 2003 12:01 PM PST
Mr Pig195.92.168.17110December 14, 2003 12:41 PM PST
Anonymous81.174.220.1670December 14, 2003 8:01 AM PST

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