Stargazing Illusionist (Free verse) by DreamerSupreme
Those dark nights filled with the dynamic hallucinations
of fantasy gone wild, with insane creations sprouted
from a lost child. Pictures take over the walls..
I sit watching, learning slowly how to
change the shapes into entire galaxies.
Its strange what a dreamer see's
an ocean of possibilities in the chaos storm
multiplexed universes spread endless
in the tree of time..
Caged I may be with the walls
and bars of my social/mental prison
but my reality has no boundaries.
Wheat field dancing with the wind
and soft hands running over the grain.
A white dress floats over moist dark soil
Blue ribbon tied in a childs fashion...
Channel changed:
Train station cave filled with
bonfire trash cans. An old bum
sings in drunken slurs while blood pours
from the gunshots covering his stomach.
Cable Vision:
The void tunnel, tv screen tornado;
a storm of dimensions waiting to be
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