black (Free verse) by sk8rs_rule_all
To each his own some like to say.
What do i have? nothing.
Third time is the charm people like to chant.
Whats my charm? None.
Move on, its not healthy to sulk.
What is healthy? no answer Are you healthy? No
Do You have answers to my questions you fool?
No...Who is the fool here? Me
Am i the fool? No
What is black? umm a color?
WRONG AGAIN my boy...Black is a shade, a very fine shade.
And one final thing i might add to this.
Whats that?
Clean your room dinner is almost ready
*this was a conforsation between both father and son. The father is the
one asking the questions and as you can tell the son is the one
answering the questions with great puzzlement.*
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