The Ode Of Clever Machine (Free verse) by SupremeDreamer
Clever birdie
That sings "sheet sheet"
I ponder you and why
I cry from your song
Wondering what I did wrong..
For you gave no clever songs or hymns
Nor wise words that may
Lustrate my fate
Of being a failed writer
Yes, I tire of this song
It smells of faeces
"sheet sheet"
Is the sound of your call
And the smell of your breath
Pissed me off,
I (yes me birdie)
Send you to an early death
With my letter opener
I used when opening your message
The smell of rotting flesh
And whirling feathers
Along with the feel
Of blood dripping from metal
Cleansed me of my worries
I hear no more!
The cries of
The clever birdie
Now I hear just my own cry:
"Hee Hee Haa Haa" -chuckle-
Last words: Yes fool, I smack you with my leather belt buckle.
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