A Shining Light (Free verse) by mikehi
I was born, I have lived,
And I will die.
But once, just once I have known a shining light,
A light that shone so bright that it burnt its way deep into my soul.
A light that fired my dreams, brightened my darkest times,
And filled me with warmth.
And then it was gone.
Taken from me without warning by circumstance,
Leaving a hole in my soul that can not be filled.
An open wound in my heart that will not heal,
Is it my life to not have love,
To not feel my heart beat for a light that never fades.
Someone once said;
'To have loved and lost, is better than to have never loved at all',
Well I say that this person has never known love.
It is better to have never loved,
Because the pain of love, true love lost,
Is unbearable to anyone with a soul.
In a world such as ours,
A world where we kill for possessions, religion and hate.
Is it so unreasonable to want to love?
To long for that shining light to return, once again to fire my soul.
I was born, I have lived
And I HAVE died.
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