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Never forget (Free verse) by sk8rs_rule_all
When i read this poem it makes me strong, I'd like to call it somewhat a song. I read this song once a year, and every year it makes me cheer. When you read it you'll want to clap, just say it good and not crap. When i read this i am very quiet, but when i am done i am a riot. I'll get to the point very fast, But dont get mad if i do it slow. The words in this song somewhat flow. I started just with a small amount of clay, And i went back to check it everyday. I went up and down this slanted hill, And i had nothing but a fierce will. People told me that none of it mattered, But i knew one day that you'd be flatterd. That i'd go through all of that, just to see you grow fat. You are now a part of me, And im setting you free. I've seen you happy and i've seen you frown, Sometimes i'd swear you'd think i was a clown. When i go back and look at the shack, that i was raised in way way back. I knew i'd raise you to be very smart, to have a good mind and a heart. I fed you really good and i made you eat, I never hurt or even beat. If i were to lay one hand on you, i knew my color would soon be blue. It was such a great thrill, To see you take the pill. It made you hear, And brought you near. You were such a sneak, you'd even peek. And look at my map, to see your future. You always wanted to know, but i insisted on letting you wait, until you were mature enough, to handle it. You were so good and had no fright, Im surprised that you never got in a fight. You always wanted to cheat, but i knew that you'd be defeated. I had a door knob; it was glass, it reminded me of you, alas! Every time i sung, you always sprung. I was so very young, Im surprised i did it so very good. To watch you grow so very fast, is something i'll never get back like the past. The smell of the room, lingers in my tomb. I bled, from my head, im growing mold, and it's very old. Now find yourself a hole to dig, And make sure its very big. You started off small, And look at you now, strong and tall. You saw me grow old, and your very bold. Dig the hole, make it big, dig it deep, make it wide, shovel dirt on my side. Throw me in, cover me all, make sure it is all dark, and remember me always.

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Jill Stockinger127.0.0.13December 22, 2020 5:51 PM PST
xxx68.164.242.1510May 25, 2005 12:46 PM PDT
zodiac67.240.192.1903April 12, 2004 8:43 AM PDT
lunar195.92.67.20910June 10, 2003 1:52 PM PDT
horus824.126.113.1547June 6, 2003 3:21 AM PDT
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 5, 2003 6:30 PM PDT

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