Espera (Lyric) by GekoHawaii
Longing now for days of yore
When life did rest on another shore
Until my dreams away were torn
And my new life, unwilled, was born
Until she gave a heart of gold
And gave me reason to behold
Real beauty, life, and truth be told
She was a flower in the cold
She gave me hope to carry on
Even after she had gone
A love of loves, twas never pawned
She will return one coming dawn
And yet thou wills to change my heart
And feed me thoughts of her depart
A target of thy evil dart
With love of her I shall not part
Thou shalt no longer be malign
For thou hath reached thy final line
Thou wilt no longer use thy time
To kill off others thoughts devine
I'll end thy reign, for love is strong
And thou can't break eternal bonds
My heart, for her, shall always long
Despite you willingness to con
When she returns I will renew
A love more constant than the dew
And in her heart a seed I'll sew
My love of angles flaming hew
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