la vieja loca con los gatos (Free verse) by <~>
Huss had a taste for vole spleen
and Tibb for starling head
but Ted would bring her robins, live,
and wait for her in bed.
El Blanco would howl and pace
with his good ear cocked to the sky;
The Slimp, she'd sneak away,
like Tempest did when she died.
FatSister and SmallCat licked themselves bald
when they weren't up on her lap.
The stray Tom always got his food
before she laid down for her nap.
On senior citizen discount day
I'd see her pushing her cart
filled to the brim with chicken,
for Chaddie, who had a bad heart.
She never played bingo
or took a golf lesson;
she steered clear of church--
her cats, her obsession.
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