Breaking Away (Lyric) by wickedemon4
Why is it that every time I fall you laugh
Why is it when they give it to ME, I get half
You make it no fair
You act like you don't care
And you're always there to bring me down
Your goal is to always make me frown
You never let me be right
You always wanna start a fight
No matter how hard I try
You'll never let it be a tie
You have to win
Even if means you have to sin
I'll never be as good as you
No matter how good I ever do
You will never let me be happy
You make my life so crappy
But not for long
That's why I wrote this song
I will break away from you
You can't stop me from getting through
I'll leave this damned place of yours
I'll bust though all the doors
You will never put me down again
I won't be brought into your sin
I'm going to make a life for myself
I'm going to regain all of my lost health
You will not pester me anymore
You will not corrupt my pure core
I'm stronger than you will ever be
I will make you finally see
That you are not my master
I will finally become faster
You will shudder under my power
I know these words make your face sour
You will never enslave me again
You will never hurt the rest of your kin
Your people are now with me
They have all begun to flee
They will leave you all by yourself
They will put your teachings on the shelf
But for now I am still here
I still live under you in fear
But not for long
That's why I wrote this song
The End
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