Your love (Free verse) by highpoet23
I look into the darkness of my fear
my fear of losing you
Without light filled with fright
I walk on Without knowing what is
to lie ahead
at times my shoes feel like they are
filled with lead
Memories of the past, in my head, motivate
me to keep walking
Now after all this walking
I have to choose where to
go do I take the bright lighted
path so bright it blinds
your judgment
or should I trust my instinct
and follow on threw the darkness.
Although the darkness is now
lighted with your love...
Your love light gleaming from
around the world is what is seen
in my eyes and is what brightens
up my path and your voice,
harks of melodious singing,
is what drives me to get
to the end of path.
My soul all this time
has been misguided...under the
influence of strangers reactions...
Now I can say I am finally
going in the right direction
all because you told me you loved me.
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