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Sealed with a kiss (Free verse) by Sugarbbybuttrfly
How can I tell you I'm not here to play All I'm asking for Is for you to look my way Give me a chance To show you that your safe If you don't believe these words I write Just look upon my face This smile says I care And I would never cheat you These eyes say I'm you And breaking your heart, I would never do These arms are here to hold you Through the good times and the bad And this heart is here to give you The true love you never had I wish I could tell you Straight to your face But everytime I look at you My heart starts to race So the only way I can tell you Is just like this This poem is for you Dan And its sealed with a kiss

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xxx68.164.242.1510June 8, 2005 7:55 AM PDT
NanceXToo24.229.216.1683January 31, 2004 4:45 PM PST
debased24.43.45.891November 30, 2002 4:32 PM PST
razorgrin142.166.233.1820November 29, 2002 7:13 PM PST
emilys36966.188.239.11710November 29, 2002 7:06 PM PST

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