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Confused (Free verse) by planetdicko
That secure feeling of warmth and joy, That same cold feeling can make you cry, The frustrated feeling of being lost, Although when found feel luckier than most, The ups and downs these feelings bring, Can make you heart sad or get up and sing, What's needed most is to understand, Why another's feelings are not as planned , Why do their feelings not scream for the same, All along have they played a different game! Why when hurt and you feel dejected, Does your heart beat for the one who rejected, Confused feelings controlling our thoughts, Thoughts forgotten from lessons once taught, How can the mind rid thoughts of the one, When the heart returns to when it begun! What's needed most is to understand, Why another's feelings are not as planned , Why do their feelings not scream for the same, All along have they played a different game! Never will the ultimate question be answered, What's love all about and can it be mastered? Maybe one day a genius will answer, The reason for love and need for another, But until that day the same feelings remain, To feel in love and then feel betrayed!!

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xxx68.166.37.1850June 22, 2005 7:29 AM PDT
Anonymous169.244.70.1486March 3, 2004 8:35 AM PST
horus824.126.113.1546January 18, 2003 5:17 PM PST
<~> 11, 2002 7:54 AM PDT
Anonymous66.14.87.501October 3, 2002 1:41 PM PDT
Tintagiles142.166.120.701October 3, 2002 10:37 AM PDT

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