At The Sloane Slattery on Saturday (Free verse) by Limness
Antique tools and ancient engines
Harleys lined up next to Indians
Driven there, and carted in
Used and loved, for sale again.
Vendors selling well-worn parts
Steam machines with iron hearts
Long, loose belts and heavy wheels:
Popping, firing, belching, steel
Turn and grind and dig and plow
As they have for centuries now.
And to eat, there's steam-cooked soup
Corn-on-the-cob, and burgers too.
The city folk laughed, manning the booth,
At me for wanting my ear uncooked
But I smiled and paid the man
Went around back, shucked it and
Ate it raw, silk and all.
The air is cool, the sun is hot,
In between seasons, and time's forgot
The span between back then and now
With a crowd just milling around
Gawking at the boothed displays:
New England on a Saturday
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