Shifty, But Not Damp From The Porn (Free verse) by Jeremi B. Handrinos
In the continuance of numbers, colors and desire
I vow to not fly alone out against the queen mother
Hecate, and Lovecraft's witch cult, I read too much
And when Cthulu calls? I sucker up to smoke on
the porch. No evil dead, only a copper moon
And the surge of silver, promise, and loathing
The prophets have all come out to join Amazon
No not the jungle; the syndicate.
They say "number of the beast", I think social security
They say "our boys fight brave" and I say because
they won't fight. Old lizards, Azaroth, when I count -
- the night it chirps and chides like a romantic whore
drunk and desperate for anything but what she needs.
People wonder of Babalon but she is everywhere
Look around you... Women are beginning to wake up
and realize they can make as much or more than men
Briefcase, navy blue suit, and unconquerable vulva
the Amazon woman, sells her secret book on of all
things "thinking" and we buy it -- Because, for apparently
the first time ever people are realizing walking around
depression is boring, you don't get laid or paid.
Britney, Paris, Hilary, we gobble it up like
junked out pedophiles. Jump, jump up and down
on the new Marylyn Monroe -- it is, the only way
you can express thoughts after all, buy comparing
everything to the closest image you have in memory for it.
Hence why you can't see a UFO clearly therefore call it a UFO
You only perceive what you can name, and then what?
You're fattened, put to work, educated to a 6th grade level
if you don't have money and sent to do a slaves existence
with a smile, four friends, a TV football game, and some beer
(save the lotto quick pick). Babalon will pour the night through
our plastic veins and we will all get Hiroshima on it.
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