Somehow, Hope (Free verse) by DeadtotheWorld
The Sweet pain of agony
As she lies on her bed
Pondering the facts of her existence
Nay, she seems to have many subjects on her mind
Many of which, have been placed up upon her as if
It were her burden to carry out and fulfill some kind
Of heroic Endeavor, but many donât understand
For in which, this is where she succeeded over the rest
She can contemplate the good and bad over any situation
But sometimes fools herself,
As a situation transforms into a debacle
Complications that will be surpassed by her wit
Sorrow that will be succeeded by the love for her man
Confusion fades away for now she has her head on straight
If a car needs gas to run, then she is the fuel to my love
Sometimes words are spoken, others they donât need to be
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