an unbiased voice (or the most biased one you'll hear) (Free verse) by i_am_the_popsicle
it getting annoying hereing the US crying, continually grieving
their losses on 9/11,
tragic - it is
unfair - it is
but something that very few must deal life - it is not
in comparison to the rest of the world
America has lost so little lives to war sponsored causes
that we really ought to be counting our blessing right now,
people in Baghdad don't have electricty
elections dont make people free
and I don't care how tragic you think that september was,
they lost more people in Russia,
we would have to have four septemeber 11th a day
every day
for four years
before they numbers would match,
so please be kind enough to suck it up
and finish what you started, but then move on to things
that are worthy of your time
you've made a name for yourself, and people are depending on you
so stop stuffing you self help books down the throats of people
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