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At Sunset (Free verse) by Bobjim
There's a beautiful sunset this evening, As I sit in my chair to write. The warmth of your love makes me wonder Just what's wrong and what's right. And then comes that feeling of longing To touch you and hold you tight, And I wonder how ever I'll manage, To get through the long lonely night. Then I think of the things that you told me, That warmed my heart from within. I think of that beautiful picture That I see every time you walk in. My lips at your breast I remember As I cuddle up close to your skin. This caused me less to wonder As the long cold night closes in. There's a breeze in the air this evening, Like your hair which caresses my cheek. I see your blue eyes before me, And your gaze is leaving me weak. I've felt the touch of your fingers, I've tasted your tears when you weep. I've laid on your breast and listened To your heart as it misses a beat. This evening I started to wonder Why people should cast over clouds, And object to the course of our loving When life means nothing without. Our beings are already together, Its too late to sow seeds of doubt. And love we'll never be parted If with love the other enshrouds.

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xxx68.164.242.1510May 19, 2005 12:32 AM PDT
Anonymous172.185.8.5110December 12, 2004 2:42 PM PST
horus824.130.62.638December 11, 2004 8:45 PM PST

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