R.I.P (Epitaphs) (Other) by MacFrantic
Here I lay in all my strife
A waste of a perfectly miserable life
If you see my back, remove the knife
And please jam it into my murderous wife
Oh my lord this coffin reeks
The rooms are cramped, the ceiling leaks
But most of all here, no one speaks
To the man who drowned in a drainage creek
Yesterday I layed in bed
I did not expect to wake up dead
Apparantly my brand new meds
Layed spider eggs inside my head
Okay, here's what happened to me
I jumped off a cliff, into the sea
For a moment there, I felt so free
But halfway down, I met a tree
My name is Johnny Frederick Jones
Beneath this message lay my bones
On the driving test I hit the cones,
The curb, a bike, and four payphones
Some come back as mice or dogs
I'd prefer human, and settle for frog
Those slimy things that hop on a log
And over my body that's dumped in the bog
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