Tweenager, they're called now. (Free verse) by fevriere
"Thus is more than you can aim unto," she purrs and draws out
with a kittenish claw
chewing (typical tweenager);
she writes with her underformed form,
*make a million of me*
which embalms her dreams & books
out of which she customised herself.
(She thinks. Thoughts like these are safest unheard).
She's a postmodern excerpt, a learning curve
pleased to hear so
but what makes me sad is
her blissless ignorance of pubescent leaks
shallow wells of sebum, strained sprained skin
and the typical sick dream of being Thin
(out of all of which: adulthood).
I reply to assuage,
my true tired self, my coarsely-honed whole-meal
*make a wanton of me*
(I embalm the tired dreams & books ready-made for her).
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