TEENAGERS LIFE (Free verse) by jessicasgurl
a teenagers life consists of alot of things
namein sum of them is like readin a book so i hope u like
books cause a teens life is worth the writein now you will or have had
fights wit parent, have to make sure your hair and make up are perfect
you also have to have the perfect men in your life to get though it all
like fights wit friends fights wit ppl you dont even know sum of you may
have already lived a teen life and sum of you havent to warn you know
the years are comein and will interupe your life im livein that feelin
now it sux belive meeh yall hope you dont have it as bad as sum kids
but teens are teens hope you get though it okay
this poem was just sumthin i had to get out its jummble and i know i did
bad on it but the words need to come out so they did.
rate this one plz its jumble but is okay i guess thanx holla
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