The Crossing (Free verse) by Hillarystep
At the crossing of the Tigris
I stand
I peer wide eyed
Blind seer, that I am
Above the vast waste laid luminary
I see karma of what is and what be
Acheron Phlegethon and Styx converge in unison
While Cerebeus the companion laps from three as if one
Serpents a sickle, my soul the pillaged, that I am
They plot and lurk and scheme predict
Searing the tortured soul of Eros maledict
Blackbird yelps in vain to scale Babel's iron wall
Echoes whispered e'en to the iron gates are mauled
River floats the shrill shriek of the lost dark boy
Screaming in an asylum deaf, that I am
But through churn and tumult and blur of waves
Dance Ksudgaga and Miyura in a secret enclave
At the slit of Hiddekel Pishon and Gihon they sit
The silhouettes that dance in the world my opposite
Red bird meets coral gate to touch pearls at the jade step
They laugh at the threat of Icarus, this I dream
On northosite gneiss Lamassu, the Maiden mounted enters
Known only as 'brave fighter', the Mistress Splinter
She meets me where cobalt rivers converge whole
Holding the melody of an unspoken mate's soul
Sung for one who believed he had lost his own
"Descanse alma dulce, Descanse," this I feel
Oh blind blind boy
The prison that held me captive
Was one of my own design
She sets me free, though soul captures soul
Free now, yes free I am
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Arithmetic Mean: 3.0
Weighted score: 4.7615943
Overall Rank: 11610
Posted: December 28, 2003 11:52 AM PST; Last modified: December 28, 2003 11:52 AM PST
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