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Love a Duck (Free verse) by fuzzylogicisagimp
On 5 June 1995 An adult male mallard Collided with the glass façade Of the Natuurmuseum Rotterdam And died. Another drake mallard Raped the corpse Almost continuously For 75 minutes. Then the author Disturbed the scene And secured the dead duck. Dissection showed That the rape-victim Indeed was of the male sex. It is concluded That the mallards were engaged in An "Attempted Rape Flight" That resulted in the first Described case Of homosexual necrophilia In the mallard.

Up the ladder: Love's Progress
Down the ladder: hi

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.0
Weighted score: 5.0
Overall Rank: 8105
Posted: October 14, 2003 8:41 AM PDT; Last modified: March 5, 2004 9:04 AM PST
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[8] INTRANSIT @ | 14-Oct-03/8:59 AM | Reply
I saw two canadian geese have a collision just above the ground once. both were incoming from perpendicular angles to land near a body of water.

I also witnessed a ground hog run full-bore and headlong into a curb. This was a faraway day from the other event.

Your poem? These ducks are simply emulating humans. Ducky see. Ducky do.
[10] horus8 @ | 14-Oct-03/11:58 AM | Reply
Beautiful, an utter down pillow of pretty sweaty nights in Peking.
[8] Shuushin @ | 14-Oct-03/7:19 PM | Reply
There's never a videocamera around when needed, is there?

Aflack my ass.
[10] zodiac @ | 6-Mar-04/8:10 AM | Reply
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