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not titled (Free verse) by coolassbob
My name is not Joseph. I am not world-renowned, painter of eclipsing lies and half-truths. I am not one silver-haired goddess of the moon, nor a sister to her. My moments in consciousness are not evocative of flowers, not of mushrooms, not of breathing trees. My voice does not recite incantations. My mood is not cantakerous. My knowledge does not exceed, does not supercede the vastness of a chasm below my feet. I do not belong to a strict code of ethics. I am not enveloped in a warmth attributed to kindness, and I do not have a soul-searcher beside me, prodding and prickling my conscience. I am not invisible, not audibly noticed, not ignored. I do not linger over dead bodies. I am not jarred awake at night facing a ravine that echoes an owl. I have not lived a day only living, not yet dead. I do not taste men's sweat, hear their ticking clockwork. I am not defined by negatives.

Up the ladder: 1
Down the ladder: castle of pandas

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10  .. 00
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Arithmetic Mean: 3.5
Weighted score: 4.5965877
Overall Rank: 12552
Posted: August 20, 2003 9:21 PM PDT; Last modified: August 20, 2003 9:21 PM PDT
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[6] <{Baba^Yaga}> @ | 20-Aug-03/10:38 PM | Reply
You are missing out on a lot. And further more are horibbly closed minded because of your troubled up bringing. Troubled, in the meaning of there not being enough to help your square slice of America, round a bit. WAKE THE FUCK UP.
[n/a] coolassbob @ > <{Baba^Yaga}> | 21-Aug-03/9:36 AM | Reply
this is a poem, not a manifesto
[n/a] <~> @ | 21-Aug-03/7:27 AM | Reply
shall i call you ismael?

i think you mean subscribe:

I do not _subscribe_ to a strict code of ethics.
[8] killingjuliet @ | 31-May-04/10:18 PM | Reply
i like your style
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