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Regression Model (Free verse) by vamos_tuzos
Conscious interpretations of historical processes lead to new understandings of present activity. Motives and needs converge into a plan active terrorism of the mind enraptures my soul war within, inside multifrontal attacks on my being. Can I hide the paths I take so I do not return? Can I learn to walk without footsteps so no one follows? If I walk this way, will my loves fade into the past? Will my skeletons stay subdued and silent? So many questions occupy my time Is it any wonder I remain an enigma? Is it any wonder I remain closed? Is it any wonder why I remain?

Down the ladder: Summer Forever

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10  .. 00
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Arithmetic Mean: 3.7777777
Weighted score: 4.388889
Overall Rank: 13009
Posted: July 5, 2002 3:52 PM PDT; Last modified: July 5, 2002 3:52 PM PDT
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[7] horus8 @ | 11-Jul-02/6:48 PM | Reply
is it any wonder that it never gets easier
132 view(s)

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