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Strollin' (Free verse) by blkarak
I'm awestruck, dumbstruck, and smitten, I've been bitten by the night, blue, black, buxom, and burlesque, and by the syrupy elixir of sights and sounds, and of flights of fancy, and sugary plights; I've been stricken by the rights of man and machine to move, man, to groove, man, amongst all these concrete trees and these gaslit stars, atop all these rivers of asphalt and steel, and amidst these prowlin', lowcut, sparklety-shark-cars, cruisin' and perusing; I'm lookin' on the outs to love or laugh, struttin', strollin' along, impervious and impetuous, I'm rollin' along, scootin' down the avenue, arm in arm with a sweet fine funky mama, makin' all my get arounds, diggin' kool on the town, diggin' all those precious street sounds, so fresh and thriving, that fill my head and my ears, that fills the air, without a clue or a care, that fills the night and my soul, through total control and sweet confusion, ....a nightly communion....; I'm bandying breaths of dig-down-doubletime-doodledeedoo that scatters, splatters, and shatters anything that dares, anything 'so there' and 'oh so now', so grand and loud as all that sloppy silly shit the square heads vomit into the gutters and spew on the streets, and onto the billboards, all replete with brittle minds of all classes, contours, and kinds; ...they're all they even care.. ...who knows..we should still declare,though, "beware," to those masters of mayhem, 'cause we're way down with all that muckety muck, dig; The night lives within us, it survives despite us, it strives and writhes like smooth, like mellow, like musical truth, to all us tuned in kats, who know somethin', somehow, who knows what's goin' down, what's goin on underneath all the layers of smoke and whispers and mindful chit-chat, rat-a-tat juke jive blues, all scat and brimmin' with mere splashes of brilliance and life, like screams and aqueals and giggles; All of us shady characters know the deal, all of us crazy wavy smooth characters, (who sigh smokey hues of muster and resolve, and spew out anything that'll do the damnedest does, to any who're cold, to any so bold as to mistake kool for diffident dribble), we all dig, dig it, we all get down, we all throw down, anywhere, all around, and we will until the dark side of somethin' beyond makes like a tiger and swallows us all whole in a slipdrip confusion, in a chaotic conclusion, a fusion of anger and subtle miscues, of surely, no doubt, out and out, doublespeak shout; We simply ain't got time for all that spoonfed noise, by those doom dandies, all that jimjam that destroys our faith, that obliterates, annihilates whoever's a who in the land of street-speak-mellow, like some kinda fellow, like me, man, 'cause I'm free floatin', freewheelin' down these familiar urban sprawls, in an urban kinda crawl, I'm majestic and puma-like, I'm righteous and on the prowl, sportin' a sincopated growl, just rollin' along, spillin' jive, chillin' to thrive, willin' myself forward, time after time, through all the scum and grime of these alleys and streets, and among the deadhead despair that sticks to everything like decay, and coats the city and me and you and all the other ghosts walkin' along, oblivious and hard and free, ...Just one more time, another round through the grime, down these familiar streets, my stompin' grounds, among all these sweet sounds that I know and I'll always long to hear tomorrow and forever.

Up the ladder: RMAED
Down the ladder: jonas

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.8333335
Weighted score: 4.9551764
Overall Rank: 8699
Posted: December 23, 2002 7:23 AM PST; Last modified: December 23, 2002 7:23 AM PST
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