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Music That Cannot Exist (Next Verse) (Free verse) by Fetylum
"Can you hear...The music that cannot not exist?" Walking with her shopping cart, young quiet baby belted in part, walking through the aisle's of fish and chunky car parts. The speaker phones playing annoying, simplistic songs, she, the young motherly form, slid out her headphones and placed them upon ears snuggly whilst twisting the black gritty dial. "How much is the fish?!" Screamed the customers on display. Blue butterflies smashed against the shopping cart. "No running down the aisles!" Jogging, her legs raising up high and her heels tapping against the ground low, her long skirt billowed up in slight bounce. "Exit Only." Read yellow and white signs. Jumping on the cart rim, spinning circles on the porcelain floor dim, short blue skirt wavering quickly, young child in cart gurgling wind, spinning along through the 'Exit Only' way, the music that cannot exist played. "Leave shopping carts at the rack.." Pushing the cart, marching in dance, head bobbing in rhythm, heels tapping against the parking lot to music that cannot exist. "No one cares who you are," Hair going wild, blurry figures of cars flying past, everyone and no one would therefor exist. "What do you want for Christmas?" Jogging in strong march through clogged street ways, "Will you.." Thrashing her head from side to side, "Marry me..?" Running over the gravel road, babies body bouncing up and down, "I'll be home in an hour honey," Leaning from side to side as she turned tree's over the gravel existence. "My name is Micheal..." Tapping the handle of the shopping cart, ringing her heels on the ground in marching rhythm as she bobbed her head to the music that cannot exist. "Customer service is.." Spinning around the shopping cart along sidewalks, people screaming that they do exist. "Would you," Racing to the top of the hill covered freeway, "die for me?" Jumping into the shopping cart, screeching metal swerving away. "Say again?" Silence in the music that cannot exist, but a second as it stops, her heart beats to time. Just for a moment, "We are but puppets with strings." Speeding like the light, flying against the naked cars, tapping the tip of the cart, rolling with speed as she bobs her head to the music that cannot exist. "Is thought faster than the speed of light?" The home-like cliff side of lives un torn, echoes in distance as she dances to the buzz of the cart. "Thou shall not fall," Rocks like a river, tearing into rubber wheels, naked blurs of cars screeching, her flowing blue skirt billowing, the baby soft rolling as the mother's form soars. "Thou shall not cry." Moving her body from side to side, tapping her heels through the air in rhythm, bobbing her head forever, listening to the music that cannot exist. Sitting so calmly, simple diaper worn by pink skin, no cries or blank looks, only the blurry eyes from cars slowing down as they pass by. A black and white auto, pulls to the front, and a dressed form so canny pulls himself out. He gathers the child that did exist, and enters his black and white auto. He presses the dial, it's black plastic form clicking. Smashed blue butterfly on the window-shield. "Would you lie?" Soaring through the freeway, spinning donuts on the streets, tapping the steering wheel and bobbing their heads to the music that cannot exist. (comment from author: Not as vague as I had planned it to be. This ' piece' is partly short story, partly poetry, partly free verse. Eccentric is my way.)

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.875
Weighted score: 5.5042653
Overall Rank: 2661
Posted: December 17, 2002 1:25 AM PST; Last modified: December 17, 2002 1:33 AM PST
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[9] Ranger @ | 17-Dec-02/1:34 AM | Reply
Wow, you've got a thing about these blue butterflies, haven't you?
[n/a] Fetylum @ > Ranger | 17-Dec-02/1:37 AM | Reply
The blue butterflies are a simble of when the Musc That Cannot Exist, begins.
[9] Ranger @ | 17-Dec-02/1:36 AM | Reply
Like the poem though.
Hey, you should hear my group (the Psychedelic Butterflies) sometime. Oh, hang on, that means we actually have to record something.
[9] Ranger @ | 17-Dec-02/1:47 AM | Reply
So how does that work? Where did they come from? And most importantly, why are they blue?
[n/a] Fetylum @ > Ranger | 17-Dec-02/1:53 AM | Reply
That is part of the mystery behind the music that cannot exist. I will save that for when I complete writing about the music that cannot exist..

But why they are blue? Well, blue seems to be a well known color for sorrow, worries and pain. When the music starts, the butterflies symbolizing pain all that of which the person holds, is, to bluntly, smashed.
[9] Ranger @ | 17-Dec-02/1:49 AM | Reply
No, hang on, ignore the first question, I get you now. But still, why are they blue?
[n/a] Fetylum @ > Ranger | 17-Dec-02/1:54 AM | Reply
*points down to her earlier reply to you comment*
[n/a] <{Baba^Yaga}> @ > Ranger | 17-Dec-02/2:03 AM | Reply
cop lights reflecting off of their wings into alls eyes.
[n/a] Fetylum @ > <{Baba^Yaga}> | 17-Dec-02/2:10 AM | Reply
as he shall appear in every end.
[9] Ranger @ | 17-Dec-02/5:36 AM | Reply
Sorry for my question coming after you've already answered it. I posted it before you typed the response, but either poemranker's gone arse up or someone has been screwing around with it. Anyhoo, it's still a great poem.
[n/a] Fetylum @ > Ranger | 17-Dec-02/6:08 AM | Reply
I think we just completed the replies at the same time. It happens.

Thank you very much ^_^
[9] Ranger @ | 17-Dec-02/6:10 AM | Reply
No problem
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