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Lifted from a song- gang bang (Free verse) by UAFANTHORPEY
We're having a gang bang We're having a ball We're having a gang bang Against the wall So why don't you join us And share the fun You know gang bangs work For everyone Me and Fan Freddy Do the best we can He shagged Rosie Bailey Who's really a man You get there early it never fails Then you get to play With JRTAILS Can u dig it it Are u with it Gang Bangs are the best to bin it If you ever go there Don't touch the men Women gives the best b.j's We're cumming again We're having a gang bang We're having a ball We're having a gang bang Against the wall So why don't you join us And share the fun You know gang bangs work For everyone GANG BANG, TONIGHT AT 7:00 PM- MY HOUSE

Up the ladder: You Were There
Down the ladder: Picasso (Limericks)

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Arithmetic Mean: 3.0
Weighted score: 4.462117
Overall Rank: 12858
Posted: November 27, 2002 5:14 AM PST; Last modified: November 27, 2002 5:14 AM PST
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[10] deleted user @ | 27-Nov-02/5:26 AM | Reply
Ah man, the memories just come floodin back
[0] Nicholas Jones @ | 27-Nov-02/5:38 AM | Reply
Christ, I laughed more during Oedipus Rex (you may have heard about his odd complex)
[10] deleted user @ > Nicholas Jones | 27-Nov-02/5:43 AM | Reply
On behalf of me pal and mush, UA:'thankyou for reviewing this poem properly, as it was never meant to be any good.Bring it on bitch!I will review your poems with compassion, but you are no longer invited to my gang bang for that comment.'
[0] Nicholas Jones @ > deleted user | 27-Nov-02/5:45 AM | Reply
That was a subtle Tom Lehrer reference, but you didn't understand it.
[10] deleted user @ | 27-Nov-02/5:54 AM | Reply
UA:'No, sir, you fail to understand the ambiguity of my comment!Tom Lehrer my buttocks.
[4] Tintagiles @ | 27-Nov-02/6:20 AM | Reply
What's the song, 'On top of Old Smokey'?
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