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ode to bacchus (Limerick) by daniella
a soulless goat named bacchus spewed not from his mouth but his back ass. he claimed when he sat, what came out was pure chat. so he bought his arse a thesaurus. . . . tongue in cheek

Up the ladder: boom
Down the ladder: Recipe for Regaining Youth

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.0
Weighted score: 4.5
Overall Rank: 12813
Posted: November 26, 2002 6:48 PM PST; Last modified: November 26, 2002 6:48 PM PST
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[n/a] <~> @ | 26-Nov-02/8:24 PM | Reply
so, where have i heard that before? 'soulles goat', that is. i must have been bending too close to his brown eye. again. dammit. i love an asshole that can rhyme.
[n/a] daniella @ > <~> | 28-Nov-02/8:06 PM | Reply
an answer to bacchus' comment on SCSS (Free verse) by Robert K Foster. me thinks he has removed his comment.
[n/a] Caducus @ | 27-Nov-02/5:02 AM | Reply
tongue in what cheek?
[n/a] daniella @ > Caducus | 28-Nov-02/8:02 PM | Reply
precisely... the double entendre. his own.
[2] Edna Sweetlove @ | 20-May-06/4:52 PM | Reply
Not very good rhyming or rhythm or anything much really.
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