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Music (revision) (Free verse) by oohv
The music beats, the music thrives, and the music jives. It wrestles with the air and bonds to the soul seeking atoms of a person. It moves you, makes you sway and pray until all emotion has left. It swells and vibrates to some otherworldly tune of vitality that you can't quite define. It climaxes, falls down, comes up again. Your body can't help but be moved, and you just silently slip into that world and never beg to come up for air. The notes all form your existence, they define you and refine you. You just never want to leave that place, that universe. The song you know so well, you know when it will end, but each time you pray it won't. You just pray it'll go on for eternity until you????????????ve had your fill. Can you inhale that taste of music? Can you truly understand it's power, it's precision over you like some ancient drug that never died because it was just so well liked. The revolutions and confusions over music. All the journeys that music took to evolve into what it is now. To what our ears here now. God, what is that infernal record of time think it's doing sounding so good? I just can't help but to let myself give in to it, and absorb it all for what its worth. Mmmm, almost like all the senses coming together and you sweat the sounds of a thousand smiles and a million breathes. You become part of a complicated quilt of scenes and dreams, never ending until you finally look up and understand it. You understand how significant it all is. It's just music baby, it'll help you get through. It repeats your life back to you in so many memories and nostalgic nuances. The beats like the beat of your heart. The melodies like the sad tunes you sang to yourself in times of trouble, and the honest harmony of a damn good song when you just can't help but smile about the fact that, yes, you are alive, and that yes, you are enjoying it. It strikes and tears us apart. It can contain everything you ever knew, and everything you never knew existed. So embrace it, embrace that beat and that never- ending melody of worlds coming together to form a universal soldier of peace and unity. I'm a slave to this art form. A slave to the beauty that is made from it and the articulate nature of its soul. Any genre, any style, if it moves me I like it. Music is a reflection of our societies, and most important, of our souls. What would you do without that beat, without that string of chords? How long could you survive?

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Arithmetic Mean: 1.3333334
Weighted score: 4.5629225
Overall Rank: 12617
Posted: November 5, 2002 10:51 PM PST; Last modified: November 5, 2002 10:51 PM PST
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