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IM DANCING LIKE WIND (Free verse) by Prince of Void
Im dancing like wind Im living in future fear of emptieness I have a faith in fame of happienesss the flying of brid above ruin truth in madding hands It'e tears and fears of tomorrow's names I smiling when each season comes and wake lost senses of peace Agonizing shadows of poeple walking aimlessly It goes on day after day It ends in death of FORGEFUL path OF GRAVEYARD very simply

Up the ladder: Unpleasant Morning
Down the ladder: The toilet

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Arithmetic Mean: 3.3636363
Weighted score: 4.181818
Overall Rank: 13243
Posted: November 4, 2002 5:25 PM PST; Last modified: November 4, 2002 5:25 PM PST
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[2] snacktime @ | 4-Nov-02/5:44 PM | Reply
erm ... I would edit the spelling
[0] Tintagiles @ > snacktime | 5-Nov-02/12:04 PM | Reply
I don't think that would help, somehow.
221 view(s)

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