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Zen (Haiku) by gothwalk
Definition Of the undefinable Is enlightenment

Up the ladder: unoriginal
Down the ladder: -=Dark_Angel=-

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Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
10  .. 10
.. 01
.. 20
.. 23
.. 01
.. 10
.. 00
.. 11
.. 01
.. 11
.. 10

Arithmetic Mean: 5.352941
Weighted score: 5.3108697
Overall Rank: 3583
Posted: May 11, 2002 11:34 AM PDT; Last modified: May 11, 2002 11:34 AM PDT
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[n/a] -=SeTTle=- @ | 13-May-02/5:57 PM | Reply
<sfx: gong>
[7]... anonymous @ | 19-May-02/12:54 AM | Reply
16 not 17

no moment in this one...

[8] pete @ | 28-Jul-02/6:42 AM | Reply
the tao which is the tao is not the tao(iambic pentameter)
[10] Robert K Foster @ | 17-Sep-02/6:01 AM | Reply
oooooh. that's so refreshingly nice compared to many others. a 10 for you!
163 view(s)

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