Fine Line (Lyric) by sliver
Momma, help me. I'm dyin'
And I swear to God, I'm tryin'
But I'm not sure I can hold
That fine line.
Since the days I was a baby,
When you rocked me on your knee,
You've tried to give me faith
But I couldn't always see.
I've stood out in this world
Made my mark for sure.
Never terribly concerned,
With the condition of my soul.
I'm here to tell you mamma,
I was really on a roll,
But now the shadow is reaching,
And it feels so awful cold.
Momma, help me. I'm dyin'
And I swear to God, I'm tryin'
But I'm not sure I can hold
That fine line.
Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
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Arithmetic Mean: 8.5
Weighted score: 5.1659904
Overall Rank: 5093
Posted: November 11, 2008 8:32 AM PST; Last modified: November 11, 2008 8:32 AM PST
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