My circlet of reveries (Other) by liya
Midst the dusty pile in cobweb sheath
Was lying a treasured wreath
Rays from the attic window kindled sporadic shimmer
Reminiscent of its once glory and glimmer
Circlet embellished in splendid pearls and amethyst
Lovely would have been the hand that wrought it
Dusting it with my handkerchief I wondered
Whoâs head would have this once adorned?
Did this hold a story or allegory�
Or did it conceal a tale of gloryâ¦
Of a love sought, fought or lost
Or of power, clout or larceny in spite
Or did it simply hold the story of a bride
Who walked down the aisle in pride?
Whatever the tale behind this diadem
Wrought in love was each one of its gem
Adorning it took me to a fantasy land of sheen and glimmer
Till I watched my reflection in the attic mirror
Alas I realized I canât coddle in these pleasures
For am just a maid dusting my masterâs antique treasures
Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
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Arithmetic Mean: 6.6666665
Weighted score: 5.1986713
Overall Rank: 4602
Posted: November 28, 2007 3:28 AM PST; Last modified: November 28, 2007 3:28 AM PST
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