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Why? (Free verse) by PoeticXTC
No one knows Why we give reasons for reasons, or why we lie about the unnecessary. Why we continue missing what used to be, what was, and what could possibly never be again. Why we hide what we feel and we covet what we hide. Only to make ourselves feel better about what we have and what others do not. Even though in the back of our minds we're still not satistied. Why we complain about the simpliest luxuries we do not possess While there are those who do not possess the luxury called LIFE. Why we cry because we didn't get the things we swear we NEED, we can't live without, when there are people who cry because they fear they won't live till tomorrow. Tears are only substitutes for uncontrollable emotions that can not be expressed through gestures or word of mouth, substitutes which cannot be silenced. No one knows Why we give others our perspective of our own lives and make it seem as if we're living the worst conditions. Just for their sympathy. As if things couldn't be worse. Why we overexaggerate the less satisfying, negative moments in life; only to blind the joyful, more positive moments. Why we damn those who care too much, the ones who go through the harshest criticisms on a daily basis from those they hold dear, only to impress the ones who just don't care. Why we contradict ourselves to fit people's expectations. They live planning others' lives. While, on the other hand, they have no plans of their own. Why we nitpick at our imperfections only to turn around and laugh at others'. Why we,judge those before we KNOW them for the same reason we judge before we GET to know them. Why we blame someone else for our failures Why we need explanation for our insecurities. Instead of stepping up and taking control, we'd rather sit back and let life diminish into the neverending abyss we call STEREOTYPES. Why we make nothing of ourselves and we always seem to settle for less.

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Arithmetic Mean: 8.285714
Weighted score: 5.8836646
Overall Rank: 1521
Posted: January 6, 2006 7:54 PM PST; Last modified: January 6, 2006 9:03 PM PST
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