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end of the engagement (Free verse) by Mona Lisa
I was not killed in New Mexico But yes you dug my grave No body is buried there I live as an obituary. I was once a good stanza Now a classic tragedy The talk at campus coffee breaks Post mortally examined On google by a sibling. Thirty seven poems I wrote Thirty three unread I wrote them for you With the last one now Which streams down my face. Next year I am Christ age So remember me at Easter When I hold myself with ten nails And smell wood thinking of you. Remember Hampstead with me Though London was never mine What was ever mine? I guess what I've been left with – Ghosts of where we trod.

Up the ladder: Friends Forever?
Down the ladder: Ghost in My Swimming Pool

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.571429
Weighted score: 5.153681
Overall Rank: 5214
Posted: December 12, 2005 2:14 AM PST; Last modified: December 12, 2005 2:14 AM PST
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[8] ALChemy @ | 12-Dec-05/7:18 PM | Reply
Change "mortally" to "mortem".
[4] nentwined @ | 13-Dec-05/5:01 PM | Reply
feels like it's reaching further than it's grasped.
174 view(s)

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