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I Am Not What I've Done (Free verse) by <{Baba^Yaga}>
It's unstoppable now The poetry has left me Like everyone else did Yammering away on a jag My soul's picked carrion And sobriety's put my fist Right through the temple Of god, and giants alike I am only a man Stuck on this couch Listening to myself talk about things I thought I drank away a long time ago At some shit-hole-dive In between love and a stinky-green-penny for your thoughts I used to make as much an hour as I'm paying you to listen to why I can't even get a hard on anymore without a gun in my mouth Or a belt around my neck No more boy cigarettes, or girl I know if this doesn't kill me Nothing will.

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.285714
Weighted score: 5.345782
Overall Rank: 3420
Posted: October 23, 2005 11:22 AM PDT; Last modified: October 23, 2005 11:22 AM PDT
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