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Let Go (Lyric) by nicole081083
Her life is changing fast Since he went away She's reminded of the past And wonders why he couldn't stay They'd been married several years Now what's she gonna do She's just sifting through the tears Wondering how she'll make it through What she doesn't know, is she's never alone And no matter how far away God seems he isn't gone He's never left her side He's held her while she cried He's just waiting for her to let go And give him control A months went by Since he went away She still can't help but cry And wonder why he couldn't stay The kids depend on her So she has to stay strong Her life is such a blur She wonders when she'll move on What she doesn't know, is she's never alone And no matter how far away God seems, he isn't gone He's never left her side He's held her while she cried He's just waiting for her to let go And give him control A years went by Since he went away Now she wonders why She thought she needed him to stay Her and the kids are doing fine Now she's learned a thing or two From God she received a sign Then she knew she'd make it through Cuz now she knows, she was never alone And no matter how far away God seemed, he wasn't gone He never left her side He held her while she cried He was waiting for her to let go And give him control

Up the ladder: Forever Moving On
Down the ladder: The Because Collection

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Arithmetic Mean: 3.75
Weighted score: 4.8509965
Overall Rank: 10584
Posted: August 9, 2005 4:35 PM PDT; Last modified: August 15, 2005 10:07 AM PDT
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[3] Sasha @ | 15-Aug-05/10:13 AM | Reply
This poem is dead on the page, give it some life, something worth reading.
[n/a] nicole081083 @ > Sasha | 15-Aug-05/10:34 AM | Reply
I think it is something worth reading about. It's a story about a woman who finds God and realizes that even though her husband left her, she's gonna be ok
[3] Sasha @ > nicole081083 | 15-Aug-05/12:52 PM | Reply
ّI don't mean something worth reading *about*. If that's what you're after, go write a novel. I mean wordings and phrases that are interesting. Use the words to show, not tell. This could be a good poem. Make it one.
[8] Bethy @ | 15-Aug-05/12:59 PM | Reply
Truthful song!!! would love to hear it set to music...sad and yet uplifting...just knowing there is...someone...there with you...I totlally get your meaning...Been there... :) :) Bethy
[4] Dovina @ | 15-Aug-05/3:04 PM | Reply
At lesst fix the spelling, grammar and tense problems.
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