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Yard Birds (Free verse) by Bankrupt_Word_Clerk
Poetry hens cluck Roosters cock-a-doodle-doo In five syllables Spurs flying, wings Slap histrionically Other hens search the yard Scratching with vigor Uncovering choice morsels Moistened with the dung Of another bad Poet giving an eye-gouge To aspirations Of grandeur and angst Retaliation a mere Shattered ego crowing Fowl.

Up the ladder: almost missed work
Down the ladder: A See-Through Prayer

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.2
Weighted score: 5.0238404
Overall Rank: 7445
Posted: June 22, 2005 7:23 PM PDT; Last modified: June 22, 2005 7:23 PM PDT
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[6] Blue Magpie @ | 22-Jun-05/10:06 PM | Reply
Foul play indeed, but let us not be chicken-hearted, I cluck that a little more punctuation might improve the flavour.
[n/a] Bankrupt_Word_Clerk @ > Blue Magpie | 23-Jun-05/1:50 PM | Reply
my carefully placed punctuation is precisely where I intended it to be. Nah, I just wrote it out in this form and didn't change a thing. haha!
[8] Dovina @ | 23-Jun-05/6:39 PM | Reply
Not so for the egg this bird will someday lay, but we all say that is some way. Peck, peck.
[10] INTRANSIT @ | 24-Jun-05/2:20 PM | Reply
Funny. And excellent. And true.
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