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it's tough at times (Haiku) by Jigg
he crys in the night for the love he lost on her she just turns to leave

Up the ladder: Hidden
Down the ladder: Steak and Satin

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Arithmetic Mean: 2.25
Weighted score: 4.672192
Overall Rank: 12206
Posted: June 4, 2005 11:26 AM PDT; Last modified: June 4, 2005 11:26 AM PDT
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[3] Bankrupt_Word_Clerk @ | 10-Jun-05/2:03 AM | Reply
[n/a] Jigg @ > Bankrupt_Word_Clerk | 10-Jun-05/8:48 AM | Reply
this is art, that is artistic licence...okay I made an arse of it! You happy? What's it like bein' perfect and/or sober!?
[3] Bankrupt_Word_Clerk @ > Jigg | 14-Jun-05/8:06 PM | Reply
I'll let you know if either happens for me.
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