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Daddy's Never There (Free verse) by angelmami17
Daddy's never there for me, And I don't think it's fair. Does he really care for me, even notice that I'm near. he sends me money once a month. And calls me once a week, But that won't take the pain inside that I will always keep. He was never there for me when I was laying in my sleep. Wasn't even there when I lost my very first teeth. All the other kids have daddy's but mine is alway's gone. Because Daddy's never there, All I have is my mom! ~ME~

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.0
Weighted score: 5.0
Overall Rank: 7606
Posted: November 7, 2004 9:40 PM PST; Last modified: November 7, 2004 9:40 PM PST
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[n/a] angelmami17 @ | 7-Nov-04/9:41 PM | Reply
I wrote this poem when I was like 15 I think! If you couldn't tell it's a poem about my dad. I hope you like it!
[0] nentwined @ | 8-Nov-04/1:11 PM | Reply
I see.
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