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Big wave (Limerick) by DR Limerick
There once was a man from Singapore. Who lived in a house by the shore. This was very brave. for every night a big wave Came and smashed his house to the floor.

Up the ladder: faces unknown
Down the ladder: The Spark

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.3333335
Weighted score: 4.820706
Overall Rank: 10932
Posted: June 13, 2004 12:51 PM PDT; Last modified: June 13, 2004 12:51 PM PDT
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[8] Shuushin @ | 13-Jun-04/2:45 PM | Reply
There once was a woman from Taigan
Who drew one hell of a floorplan
She met a man by shore
Though she found him a bore
He paid her again and again.

[n/a] DR Limerick @ > Shuushin | 15-Jun-04/2:37 PM | Reply
thanks for the limerick shin shuu
im allways happy to get them
keep up the good work!!!
[8] Shuushin @ > DR Limerick | 15-Jun-04/2:38 PM | Reply
Thank you, good doctor.
[10] god'swife @ | 14-Jun-04/7:37 PM | Reply
[n/a] DR Limerick @ > god'swife | 15-Jun-04/2:41 PM | Reply
thats the first posative comment i have ever seen you give.

yes i know its wrong.
[10] god'swife @ > DR Limerick | 15-Jun-04/3:33 PM | Reply
I've given over 2,700 comments, many of them positive, just lately the poems are terrible. That is not my fault.
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