Better Days (Free verse) by pain killer
Striding into confusion
in an attempt to defy the death rattle of my youthful ideals
On a coach heading east out of Galway
Out past the Great Southern Hotel
I'm on the run again
I'm on the run from a broken marraige
A loveless life, an unhappy wife and two beautiful broken children
I meet up with the dreadlocked girl from Dublin
With hungover eyes
and a pocketful of cannabis
Pale and thin and strangely dressed
She looks like she could be used to frighten birds
I'm attracted by her gaunt desperation
She smells of soil and of unspeakable secrets
and so
smoking like naughty schoolkids
on the backseat
We get wrecked on the dope
and talk of sadism
sexual deviance
and everyday life
She shows me a scar on her forehead where her lover cut her with
diamonds and punches
and as I attempt an expression of sympathy
she silences me with a kiss
"We are born into violence" she says
"Amongst blood, sweat and screaming and forceps and slaps"
I tell her about a boy I met
who stabbed his father in the throat
and left him to die
The boy had stared at me with amphetamine intensity
and I saw the bruises beneath his anger and fear
and suddenly
I knew he had his reasons
"Revelations like this" I say
"Help pass the day"
She smiles
and touching me intimately
mumbles something
"Hung like Jesus"
Even though i'm not religious
I cross myself anyway
Just to be sure
We fall asleep during half hearted sex
No guilt to be felt
Just a listless phase accompanying our spiralling descent
She lays unselfconsciously
her head in my lap
framed by snakes and sleeping
As we reach our destination
and daylight rearranges my senses
she wakes
rubbing at her eyes like a new born infant
trying to rub away all the bad stuff
she yawns and stretches
and I excuse myself
Stumbling outside I clock on to the morning
Shivering in Dun Laoighre
with a stinking headache
and a stain on my soul
and a smile on my face
I could think of better places and better ways
but I guess my conscience has seen better days
I feel a hand on my shoulder
and as I turn around
she presses her name into my hand
"Get in touch" she says
A cold wind of indifference drifts between us
I turn to look at some billboards in the distance
"Smoking is bad for your health" I say
and we both laugh
And I promise her i'll get in touch
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Arithmetic Mean: 6.75
Weighted score: 5.2086053
Overall Rank: 4464
Posted: June 2, 2004 12:39 PM PDT; Last modified: June 2, 2004 12:39 PM PDT
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