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Re: Fake Happiness by WithoutLife |
10-Jan-04/8:08 AM |
u all are stupid fucktards, yea yea, fuck my grammer and my spelling, listen poetry is MEANINGLESS without feeling, without feeling its just a bunch of crap if its happy or sad it needs feeling, just because u think they r sum "angsty teenager" doesn't mean they I mean u don't kno them for christs sake, so b4 u fucking judge ppl get to kno them, most "angsty teenagers" write that shit because its a stress relever(like I said fuck my spelling, I don't give a fuck u can blow it out ur ass) it helps u get past sumtin thats goin on or sumtin that pissed u off, if u have no reason to write what ur writeing or no feelings in it then its just a load of bullshit
Re: Nuisance by DMonster |
10-Jan-04/8:18 AM |
howbout....nah, I think I'll pass howbout u go blow it out ur ass and think bout wht u siad, ur gonna keep doin that shit (tellin ppl to go kill themselves) ur gonna have many pplz blood on ur hands, on of these days that one sentnce will push sumone to kill themself, then u won't b sayin that shit, personaly, I couldn't care weather or nt u or ne one else liked my poetry, I put it here to see wht ppl thought but not to b told to kill myself