20 most recent comments by darkshark and replies
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Re: a comment on The Stone Seeker and the Stacking by darkshark |
22-Jan-05/5:27 PM |
I'm glad to see someone read and thought about this poem.
I suppose the meaning of it is rather oblique, and I could fix that. But it's actual one part of a series of poems dealing with a loved one's death. This poem happens to actually be written from the viewpoint of God, who is building up his kingdom one stone -- or human soul -- at a time, and remembering who they were before they changed from their physical state and how they have come to where they are, using the four seasons as a symbol for the passage of life. And as to trying to sound profound, yes, I am to some degree considering who the speaker is supposed to be -- but this was also submitted as a first draft, before any actual editing or paring down on the blatantly overly poetic language.
And what has it offered you? I don't know what it has offered you specifically, but at least it made you think enough to write a fairly lengthy response, which in turn caused me to do the same.
And I'm so sorry if you feel cheated and worthless.
Re: a comment on Swiftly by darkshark |
7-Feb-04/12:06 PM |
thanks for the advice...I'll look over it more
I agree with you on 'poke'...not the best word choice
It's a bit confused because I only wrote up one draft of it, and I was trying to be deeply metaphorical.
Ya know, having the crossing of the freezing water be life, and how it will not 'freeze over' because too much happens for it to ever stop, and the crossing it with someone's help is finding someone to live with, and then the watching the fire and fading bit....well, you get the idea