Re: a comment on People vs Corps. by Jack Diamond |
18-Oct-06/10:17 AM |
I guess I'm not "one" for technicalities as long as my opinions are clear. I realize now that I approached this poem in a colloquial manner as though I was speaking to a friend about my view of a corporate drone - (person who works for corperations that profit off the low income individual).As for possessiveness: I think I would be more possessive if I didn't share my opinion, and I sure do wish not to own this opinion all to myself. I have talked with people who feel the same way. As for compound: I would have to say there is no mixed feelings, or two or more seperate things combined together, such as humor and appalling insensitivity. I'm just telling it how I see it. Thanks for giving mind to my poem...JD
Re: The Mandarin by Caducus |
12-Oct-06/9:58 AM |
This gives me an image of a person still trying to grasp the concept of caring for another person, but still arrogant as fuck.
There are still many people like that out wondering
how things went wrong, and why.
Good sense of how the modern man is still confused about real principals.
Re: a comment on Morning City by Jack Diamond |
18-Apr-06/9:23 AM |
Settling for laied made me realize, hey, I guess I put my cat in this situation with me instead of giving him to some rich folk to ponder on. I can just picture him laided out on this little night stand I found and placed by my window. He would lay most night and day on that thing until I accompanied him outside for a walk.
Re: a comment on Morning City by Jack Diamond |
18-Apr-06/9:11 AM |
I agree. It is very staccato in the begining. I have to tell you, that my walls were paper thin, I had those slit window/blinds, and lived right next to a freeway. One of the busiest in the world. The ally adjacent to my living space was very active morning noon, and night. Homeless, junkies, prostitues,
and even death have been through that alley. For all the frantic pulse in that time, there were sweet city birds in the morning too. With my eyes closed, it sounded as though all of those creatures I had explained were all in the same room with me. So I do believe a sense of staccato was quite an inspiration for the poem. Thank you for the comment.
Re: Shy, quiet by Ranger |
7-Apr-06/8:51 PM |
In many great poems I have read I have noticed one word, or words that are elaborated on within the poem I am reading. The word is either in the middle, at the end, or in your case, to me, at the begining. All the elements of a cagier lightning that strikes with care are all described in different forms throughout this poem and I like this. First you have something unusual that happens, a cagier lightning which strikes with care, then the images to accompany the subject which are very swift, sly, elusive, tricky, etc... Very good stuff. This poem is well crafted. It kind of gives me the feeling I am reading a script in a way. The words "Pause-" "Turns-" seem like stage directions.
Re: a comment on Morning City by Jack Diamond |
7-Apr-06/11:42 AM |
Thank you for the comment. I thought I'd give mind to an edit just for reaction value. I was in that sort of mood this morning although I am the type to just let it slide too.
I really prefer first reactions to last. I can also be a sucker for rewording what I can't completely explain anyway. I'm glad you've enjoyed the ride.
Re: a comment on Morning City by Jack Diamond |
7-Apr-06/11:29 AM |
Thank you for your comment. You are right about lays, so I changed it. As far as the three A.M. bit goes, I woke
up at three A.M. every morning for over a year when I was single, secluded, and starving to create. If I didn't get up, my cat would attack me. The reason I believe is because we lived in the middle of the city in what one would call a shoe box single, and the only time he went outside was when I accompanied him. I guess I will leave the line "though a peaceful drift at three A.M." vague in that sense. Hoping the reader could imagine how peacful life can be at three in the morning when you live in the middle of a big city. I felt as though I was taking control of my time without distraction.