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20 most recent comments by durr_T_hip_E (21-40) and replies

Re: a comment on Reasonably Good by Dovina 22-Mar-05/12:37 PM
btw..i still like the poem...and also believe that, in reality, or, at least in application, our philosophies probably equate to an equally pleasing journey through life....

thanx for the reply and best of luck


Re: a comment on Reasonably Good by Dovina 22-Mar-05/12:35 PM
If you have no view of the world then you certainly cannot have a view of that which is not the world and is out of sight...

beauty and good do NOT demand that we form structures of judgment, quite the contrary, if we are to perceive anything as good or beautiful, that perception cannot be weighted down by some outside force which confines, else your world be constrained and the full beauty of that around you lost to some restricted definition that you BELIEVE you know due to your presumption that the truth has found its way to you...

my point, perhaps miscommunicated, is that you cannot achieve the ends you seek, at least within the context of human interaction and behavior, by judging those human variables...

ANY judgment made without ALL KNOWLEDGE, is prejuidace and are NOT God....nor are you anywhere near the greatest scholar of all of history, therefore, you have not nearly enough KNOWLEDGE to judge anything...

your words, like nearly all words, are subjective, and in no way assert some profound truth that has been passed over by more able minds.



p.s. sympathy is useless, save your sympathy for me and my non-judgmental worldview and use it on a dieing child in ethiopia
Re: THE BEST POEM EVER!!!!!! by ?-Dave_Mysterious-? 22-Mar-05/12:25 PM i see below...somewhere....under my nose...2 tens scored upon the board and a group of pedophiles in tow!!!

This is hilarious...I love you...



P.S. Due to my interest in beautiful women and receiving head, you get a ten!
Re: stab in the dark by not_a_philosopher 22-Mar-05/12:13 PM
I have at times considered myself atheist, at times catholic, at times a strongly NON catholic christian, and now I call myself agnostic out of submission to reason and onto your poem and some minor psychoanalysis:

you're a narcissistic, self centered, drug addict; let me explain...the most frequently used word in your poem is (no surprise) "I"

you used the word "I" six times in eleven lines which means that over fifty percent of your propositions were from YOUR perspective...not that we can ever truly get out of our own perspective...but, you make it glaringly apparent that the focus of this communication is YOU.

you also use the word "my" twice bringing your total references to SELF up to eight out of a total of 60 words meaning that at least 12% of the symbols that leave your lips mean "you."

that should cover the narcissistic self centered part of my analysis.

now, you're a drug addict...religion truly is the opiate for the allows us, in our mind, to take our self out of the center of our universe and replace that center, usually, with a god who is now the one responsible for EVERYTHING from creation on...god loves us when all the world hates us...god explains when we can't...god gives us an image of perfection to strive for and forgives us when we don't hit the mark...blah blah blah...god gives us happiness...


you are responsible for your choices

you are responsible for the effect your behavior and words have upon others (for example, some atheist getting slightly upset because some christian claims that happiness cannot be found outside of god)

happiness, i have found, is more about tolerance, acceptance, and forgiveness of others and their flaws....more about accepting the fact that bad things happen....about accepting the fact that YOU WILL DIE and making the most out of every moment you have with every emotion you create from your delusional little worldview (btw...all of our worldviews, especially mine, are delusional).

But, in the end, whatever makes you happy; if you need to damn people like me to some symbollic hell in the back of your psyche, go nutz if that makes you happy, just don't ever try to take your self-righteous judgment public; i'd hate to see the people lieing bloody on the pavement just because some psycho christian believed they could tell the difference between true good and true evil.


Re: Reasonably Good by Dovina 22-Mar-05/11:53 AM
Love the the word choice...and I may be misreading the message... am I to conclude (my first assumption) that you, like the symbollic God, KNOW the difference between good and bad/evil? If this is the case then your ideology is diametrically opposed to my whole entire worldview and I can't stand the message...

however, it could, by some stretch of logic, be concluded that you have no clue what you're talking about and only the symbollic God could ever truly judge these things; in which case, i applaud your philosophy and the poem as a whole...for now you get your magnificent 7 to go with your magnificent ego.

Good work overall as a poem...maybe add a dash of love to spice it up or something...


Re: A good little poem by INTRANSIT 22-Mar-05/11:46 AM
I'm not sure what it is; unfortunately, the delusional worldly web in my mind simply doesn't like it. I like pickles so you got one point for that. And, I like rye bread, so you got another for that. But, all I see here is you telling me that when you think of bread and infomercials, you also think of pessimism and things that didn't work so that you may appreciate the fresh pickle in your mouth.

If you wanted me to picture some random guy eating a pickle on rye, then good job.



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