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cpill @ | 11-Apr-05/4:36 AM | Reply
Shared favourates might help foster community. Bit like, so when you view a poem you get a list of people who have it as their favourate, each name being a link to a list of all their favourates (or their profile with the list?).

Might allow people to find people with similar tastes and perhaps other poems they like.

richa @ | 12-Apr-05/4:17 AM | Reply
we already have that.
cpill @ > richa | 12-Apr-05/4:39 AM | Reply
I beg to differ. When I look at a poem there is no list of users that have it as a favorite? If all I know is that I like a particular poem how do I find out who else has it as a favorite?

If I already know about you I can go to your profile page, click on another link AND THEN to see your favorites list but its obscure and at best tedious.

What I'm saying is that it should be up front, with the poem, with all your other profile info. You have the information you might as well use it, make it easy to 'surf' around the content in a better than random manor.
zodiac @ > cpill | 12-Apr-05/5:53 AM | Reply
Most poems have not been marked as anyone's favourites :-(

Poems that have list the users who've picked it just above the comments.
cpill @ > zodiac | 12-Apr-05/8:40 AM | Reply

I guess your right. I just didn't see it. Perhaps it just a layout problem. I guess people aren't really aware of how to make favorites. It took a little figuring out for myself.

Perhaps separating navigation (how one gets around the site) from actions (how one interacts with the site) might help. Make it more apparent what you can do and where you can do it.

Also the boxes around the comment threads are a little confusing (and intense).

But what do I know...
anonymous @ > cpill | 12-Apr-05/5:59 AM | Reply

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