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nentwined @ | 7-Mar-05/4:51 PM | Reply
Some time in the next month or two, a Purge will begin. I know a lot of people want to see anonymous votes go away, but that's not the purge I'm talking here. May be vaguely related, though. This purge will be a purging of all accounts that have inactive or broken email addresses.

The question is--what to do about those accounts? simply disable logins, turn off commenting? Mark them as "archived" and take them out of "random"? Take them out of the ranking entire?

This would also apply for folks who haven't logged in for, say, 6 months.

Thoughts thoughts thoughts?

Dovina @ | 8-Mar-05/8:05 AM | Reply
By that standard I would be purged for having an inactive email address, and to the liking of some I might add. Why would you purge someone because they change addresses and the one you happen to have on file is inactive? Also, why purge because they are not active for a long time? Some of those old poems are quite good. The only reason I can see to purge is because of abuse, and we have dozens of logins that are used only for harassment - usernames that are almost the same as another, "Guest 2" and the like.
nentwined @ > Dovina | 8-Mar-05/9:09 AM | Reply
I get hundreds of email bounces a day, sometimes thousands. Yes, they all go to one filtered email address, but it's annoying. I want to clean house.

Note that none of the things I suggested above would remove any of the old poems--it would simply make them less accessible, making room for people that might actually still be active.

Why leave an inactive email address on the site? You should realize you have the power to change it. That's just sort of rude, as it stands.
anonymous @ > nentwined | 8-Mar-05/9:58 AM | Reply
You could always just revoke notification privileges of those who do not have a valid address.
Dovina @ > nentwined | 8-Mar-05/3:09 PM | Reply
If you use the email address shown on my homepage at poemranker, then no problem. If you use the one when I signed-up, then I'm rude, as you say, and must be scratched.
nentwined @ > Dovina | 8-Mar-05/3:11 PM | Reply
The only one that's relevent is the one that's in your current information. :)
Dovina @ > nentwined | 8-Mar-05/3:20 PM | Reply
You didn't answer my question about the abusers. Sort the user list by username. I bet that 20 of the first 30 usernames are bum. That's only a start.
nentwined @ > Dovina | 8-Mar-05/3:24 PM | Reply
Damn you, I had a long reply to your comment that just got wiped because you deleted yours while I was writing that. Good way to impetus me into fixing that particular problem somehow. ;) Maybe I will, now.

Don't be offended if this response is brief.

I didn't see a question, though I get that you're frustrated. Yes. There are abusers of the site/system.

I'm trying to set up an _objective_ manner for _reducing_ _some_ abuse. If everyone has to have a valid email address tied to their account, it makes it at least the slightest bit more annoying to create new accounts, in most cases.

I can't police this place, and I don't _really_ want to try. But if you think it would do some good, you're welcome to wield the stick-o-orange-wing-shaming and see how that goes.
Dovina @ > nentwined | 8-Mar-05/3:28 PM | Reply
Sorry about the comment deletion and reposting. I understand your not wanting to be a cop and neither do I. Thanks.
nentwined @ > Dovina | 8-Mar-05/3:38 PM | Reply
No worries about the deletion. I blame myself entirely for that situation existing.
anonymous @ | 8-Mar-05/12:37 PM | Reply
Kill them all and let God sort them out.

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