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The Day I Left You (Free verse) by ZCatcher
There we stood, separate already, You inside, in what used to be our home, And I outside, on what was formerly our doorstep, Separated by the span Of a simple threshold, Each of us now standing on New thresholds. Mere inches and a million miles between Our sullen faces... How strange it was how silent it was, After the thousands of wicked words had passed between us, After the tempests and tides of so many years Had tossed us against the rocks, How strange, somehow still, that it should end With this small, mute, agonizing moment Of hurt, accusing gazes From opposing, dying eyes. Our lives had led to living this moment, Silently damning each other 'cross thresholds- Damning each other for making each other Linger in this interval of longing and loss. For the space of a heartbeat I thought of staying, But the moment was past.

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xxx68.166.37.1850June 15, 2005 5:32 PM PDT
ForgottenSoul1765.81.216.1566August 5, 2004 9:21 PM PDT
Anonymous66.65.187.916October 18, 2003 1:15 AM PDT
Anonymous194.222.69.432August 10, 2002 11:45 PM PDT
Anonymous67.40.59.1194August 10, 2002 7:33 PM PDT

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