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The Lion and the worm. (Free verse) by <{Baba^Yaga}>
So this guy gets a phone call and goes down to the beach. Finds a young man that wants to go to school. They know one another from the past. They share a mother. He invites the young man, and his mother into his home. Puts the young man into school, and shares his world and mind with them. The mother, originally says, "She's leaving for Florida to live with a huge dicked drug smuggling Colombian" The man shakes his head, and says, "Well you should leave your son here to finish his education, it's the selfless thing to do, so you don't have to subject the boy to a life time of chasing after your phantoms, with you". She agrees, and even signs a 'handwritten' document granting power of attorney to the man which he copies and files. Some time passes by, and the mother is still there? What happened to a couple of weeks? She's even moved from the guesthouse, up to the couch in front of the man's desk in the front house? That's weird, he thinks, not to mention that's where he likes to relax. When he takes a break from work, or is tired late in the evening, and wants to watch tv. The young man however is making friends, and doing good in school. He's even gotten a job working for a movie producer, and started to make some money. So the man lets it go on, thinking it's best for the young man. But the mother has better things in store for everyone. She's not happy with the way things are going: For one, she's a nymphomaniac and needs to suck cock, or fuck, at least twice a day. Secondly, booze, the pills, she needs lots of pills. Thirdly, She needs to control the room and everyone. She needs to get the wife out of the picture. Then she needs to get the young man out of the equation. Then she needs to violate all taboos, and consecrate her own selfish agenda with another baby. Never satisfied, and horribly jealous and psychotic. She begins weaving her dirty work. Whispering in everyone's ears. Turning everyone against the other. First, she takes out God's wife (the man's friend, and son's godmother). Then she takes out anyone else in the man's world that she perceives as being Matriarch figures. Then she takes out the Man's father, and brother. Then she takes out the man's friends, and peers. Then she starts to take out the man's wife, but the wife's spirit fights back and gets pregnant, subconsciously, so then the older woman does the same! The man watches all of this in horror, as God and the Devil play out the board. He has no choice, and worse yet is sick of playing. He decides to abandon the board and the game entirely. Realizing, finally, that the old mother and young man are too far beyond his help, and maybe he had set out in the beginning to help himself by helping the young man anyway. Fixing the boy in him too. That's the way a lion's heart pumps, but the worm has a tiny heart that's replaceable. An interesting fact most overlook because worms are so uninterestingly tiny minded and slimy. They live their lives on the hook, and work only for fertilizer. The man sees it coming, but doesn't want to believe it. He wants to give her the benefit of the doubt. But she has other things in mind. She always has lots of other things in mind. He sees the moment he missed to keep it all from happening. A dinner, early on in the game. He invited his parents over to his house. For everyone to be together for the first time in his life. Him, his young family, his mother, brother, and father, all together. But what occurred was the most viciously pointless display of wickedness any of them had ever witnessed. The mother exposed a part of the darkness within her, and all saw the demon for what it was. Scared, desperate, and utterly chaotic. Turning the dinner into a charade, and a spectacle of contempt and filth. The man outraged that these 'guests' would have the gal to bring this abomination into his young family's home. Throws everyone out, and good riddance. But the mother comes crawling and begging for help, and forgiveness. The man takes pity on her wretched existence, and grants her sanctuary, again. Knowing, that it's in the cards, and the nature of the beast that she'll do it again. But next time, he'd be ready. And he was, and she did just that. Over and over again until the day she died. This time however, the worm came out to early. The worm misjudged the rain and dried away. The lion yawned, pissed on it's tree, and took a shit in reply to the worms charge. This is a true story, and pulled off by professionals. This should in no way be attempted by an amateur. And now, for a quote from the bible. And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, "Babylon the great is fallen, fallen, and has become a dwelling place for demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird." And I heard another voice say from heaven, "Come out of her my people, lest you share in her sins, and recieve of her plagues. For her sins have reached heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities". Mother, I came out of you, and I will stay out.

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nentwined98.148.150.2464June 27, 2008 7:28 PM PDT
xxx68.164.242.1510May 24, 2005 2:11 PM PDT
Tintagiles142.166.250.206April 20, 2005 10:16 AM PDT
Anonymous147.226.177.2310December 17, 2003 11:44 AM PST
somemorepoetry68.62.146.1559December 14, 2003 7:59 PM PST
Anonymous64.12.96.13510December 14, 2003 7:22 PM PST
Anonymous24.93.82.2341December 14, 2003 4:52 PM PST

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